영문법 / / 2015. 2. 4. 00:00

[영문법_동사(31)]동명사(Gerund)_동명사의 관용적표현(잘 틀리기 쉬운 동명사 표현)


 동명사의 관용적표현(잘 쓰이는 동명사 표현) 

    • go on+~ing : "계속 ~하다"

They went on laughing at me.  그는 계속 나를 보고 웃었다.

= Tom kept on painting the fence.

    • How about(What about)+~ing? = What do you say to+~ing? [= Let's+RV.] : "~하는게 어때?"

How(What) about going out for a walk?  산책하는게 어때?

= What do you say to going out for a walk?

= Let's go out for a walk.

    • be worth+~ing [= be worthwhile to+RV] : "할 가치가 있다"

This book is worth reading  이 책은 읽을만한 가치가 있다.

= This book is worthwhile to read.

    • feel like+~ing : "~하고 싶다"

I feel like having a drink.    나는 음료수를 마시고 싶다.

    • It is no use+~ing [=It is of no use to RV]: "~해도 소용없다"

It's no use(good) crying over your failure.    실패한 후 울어봤자 소용없다.

= It is of no use to cry over your failure.


    • There is no+~ing [=It is impossible to RV]: "~하는 것은 불가능하다"

There is no knowing what may happen in the future.     미래에 무슨일이 일어날 지 아는것은 불가능하다.

= It is impossible to know what may happen in the future.

    • It goes without saying that+S+V [=It is needless to say that S+V] : "~은 말할 필요도 없다"

It goes without saying that time is money.     시간이 중요하다는 것은 말할 필요도 없다.

= It is needless to say that time is money.

    • can not help+~ing [=can not but+RV =have no choice but to RV] : "~하지 않을 수 없다"

I could not help laughing at him.     나는 그를 보고 웃지 않을 수 없었다.

= I could not but laugh at him.
= I have no choice but to laugh at him. 

    • On(Upon)+~ing [=As soon as+S+V] : "~하자마자, ~할 때에"

On seeing me, he ran away.     나를 보자마자 그는 도망갔다.

= As soon as he saw me, he ran away.

= He had no sooner seen me than he ran away.

= No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.

= He had hardly seen me when he ran away.

= He had scarcely seen me before he ran away.

= Hardly(Scarcely) had he seen when(before) he ran away.

    • Never(Cannot) …without+~ing [=As soon as+S+V] : "~하면, 반드시 ~한다"

She never goes out without buying something.     그녀는 무엇인가를 사지 않고는 결코 나가지 않는다.

As soon as he saw me, he ran away.

= She never goes out but she buys something.

= Whenever(Every time) she goes out, she buys something.

When she goes out, she always buys something.

    • make a point of +~ing [=make it a rule to RV] : "~하는 것을 규칙으로 삼다"

He makes a point of jogging in the morning.     그는 아침에 조깅하는 것을 규칙으로 삼는다.

= He makes it a rule to jog in the morning. 

    • be on the point(verge) of+~ing [=be about to RV] : "막 ~하려 하다"

  ․ We were on the point of going out for dinner.     우리는 막 저녁식사하러 나가려는 참이다.

  = We were about to go out for dinner.

    • far from+~ing : "결코 ~이 아니다"

  ․ She is far from being interested in sports.     그녀는 스포츠에 결코 관심이 없다.

  = She is never interested in sports.

    • keep[stop/prevent/prohibit/deter]+A+ from+~ing : "A가 ~하는 것을 막다"

Heavy storm keep me from attending the meeting.     폭풍우가 나를 회의에 참가하지 못하게 했다.

    • have difficulty[trouble/a hard time]+~ing : "~하는데 어려움을 겪다"

After my dad died, Mom has difficulty supporting my family.
아버지가 돌아가신 후 엄마는 우리 가족을 부양하는데 어려움을 겪었다.

 to부정사로 틀리기 쉬운 to+동명사(~ing) 

    • devote oneself to+~ing/명사"~에 몰두하다, 전념하다"

He devoted himself to reading a novel.  그는 소설책을 읽는데 전념했다.

    • opposite to+명사"~에 상반되는"

The result was opposite to[from] what we expected.  결과는 기대하는 것과 반대였다.


    • be used(=accustomed) to+~ing/명사"~에 익숙하다, 능숙하다"

He is used to driving a car at night.  그는 밤에 차를 운전하는데 익숙하다.

= He is accustomed to driving a car at night.

cf) Grapes is used to make wine.  포도는 포도주를 만들기위해 사용되어 진다. [be used to RV : 부정사의 부사적 용법]

There used to be a storehouse.   예전에 창고가 하나 있었다. [used to RV : 과거의 상태]

· prefer ~ing to …ing [=would rather RV] "…보다 ~하는 것이 더 좋다"

I prefer walking to riding. (A, B = ing)   나는 타고가는 것보다 걷는게 더 좋다.

= I would rather walk than ride. (A, B = RV)

· look forward to ~ing "~을 간절히 바라다, 학수고대하다"

I was really looking forward to drinking a cold water.   나는 시원한 물을 정말 마시고 싶었습니다.

· when it comes to ~ing "~에 관한한"

He is an expert when it comes to tuning the piano.   그는 피아노 조율에 관한한 전문가다.

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