영문법 / / 2016. 6. 12. 14:55

[영문법_동사(33)]분사(Participle)_현재분사와 동명사의 구분방법


 동명사와 현재분사의 구분

현재분사와 동명사는 만드는 방법이 같아서 형태상으로는 구분이 불가능합니다. 따라서 문장에서 쓰인 역할에 따라서 구분합니다.

1. 동명사 : 「동명사+명사」 → 명사 for 동명사 (~하기위한 : '목적이나 용도')

    . a sleeping car = a car for sleeping  잠을 자기위한 자동차 (자동차가 잠을 잠수는 없죠? )

2. 현재분사 : 「현재분사+명사」 → 명사+(관계대명사+be동사)+현재분사 (~하고있는, ~하는 중인 : '진행의 의미')

   . a sleeping baby = a baby (who is) sleeping  잠을 자고있는 아기 (아기는 잠을 잘 수 있죠?)

동명사와 현재분사의 구분 연습문제

※ 다음 문장에서 밑줄친 부분이 동명사이면 O표하고, 현재분사이면 △표하시오.

1.  a crying baby 

2. a washing machine 

3.  a waiting room

4. a waiting girl

5.  a sleeping bag

6. a sleeping cat

7.  a running boy

8. Look at the singing girl.

9.  I like playing the piano.

10. He began learning French. 

11.  Look at the flying bird.

12.  There are many people living in the country.

13.  Traveling by bus is very interesting. 

14.  Her dream is living in the country.

15.  She kept running all day long.

16.  He didn't like going out when it was raining.

17.  Mother advised father to stop smoking.  

18.  He ran out of a burning house.

19.  My sister enjoys swimming in the sea.

20.  That girl swimming in the sea is my sister.

21.  He started going to school.

22.  She is arriving soon.

23.  I heard Mina singing songs.

24.  I like crying alone.

25.  I don't like a crying boy.

26.  Reading many books is good for you.

27.  I saw him running away.

28.  Boys can learn about making and designing airplanes.

29.  Leaves of different colors are falling from the trees.

30.  Traveling by train is always interesting.

31.  Father took me to a reading room

32.  He stopped playing the piano.

33.  Wait for me in the waiting room.

34.  They heard a sleeping baby crying in a sleeping bag.

35.  I am used to being alone.

36.  We always take a bath after playing baseball.

(참고: 최강영문법 고급 문제_동명사편)

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