영문법 / / 2018. 5. 17. 17:13

[영문법-접속사(9)]목적부사절의 접속사


부사절을 이끄는 접속사란 무엇인가요?

부사처럼 문장의 수식어 역할을 하는 절을 이끄는 접속사를 말합니다. 이러한 접속사에는 시간, 이유, 조건, 양보의 절을 이끄는 접속사로 흔히들 구분합니다. 다 아시는 것처럼 부사절은 종속절이므로 주절의 앞에 나오는 경우는 ,(콤마)로 구분해서 써야합니다.

목적 부사절 이끄는 접속사

so that+S+may(can/will)+RV : ~하기 위하여

• He worked hard day and night so that he could succeed in his life.

= He worked hard day and night in order that he could succeed in his life.

= He worked hard day and night that he could succeed in his life.

그는 성공하기 위하여 밤낮으로 열심히 일했다.

※ 종속절(that 이하에 조동사 will, may를 써도 좋다.

cf. so as to+RV : ~하기 위하여

• He worked hard day and night so as to succeed in his life.

= He worked hard day and night in order to succeed in his life.

= He worked hard day and night to succeed in his life.

= He worked hard day and night for the purpose of succeeding in his life.

= He worked hard day and night with a view to succeeding in his life.

= He worked hard day and night with the view of succeeding in his life.

= He worked hard day and night with the object of succeeding in his life.

= He worked hard day and night with the intention of succeeding in his life.

그는 성공하기 위하여 밤낮으로 열심히 일했다.

※ 복문(문장이 두개 이상)을 단문으로 고치면 위과 같다.

so that+S+may(can/will)+not+RV : ~하지 않기 위하여

• He woke up early in the morning so that he could not miss the first train.

= He woke up early in the morning in order that he could not miss the first train.

= He woke up early in the morning that he could not miss the first train.

= He woked up early in the morning lest he should miss the first train.

= He woked up early in the morning for fear (taht) he should miss the first train.

그는 성공하기 위하여 밤낮으로 열심히 일했다.

※ 종속절(that 이하에 조동사 will, may를 써도 좋다.

cf. so as not+to+RV : ~하지 않도록

• He woked up early in the morning so as not to miss the first train.

= He woked up early in the morning in order not to miss the first train.

= He woked up early in the morning not to miss the first train.

= He woked up early in the morning for fear of missing the first train.

그는 성공하기 위하여 밤낮으로 열심히 일했다.

※ 복문(문장이 두개 이상)을 단문으로 고치면 위과 같다.

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