연습문제/문법연습 / / 2017. 9. 22. 13:50

[영문법 연습문제]문장의 형식 구별하기


Grammar Exercise
Sentence Form[문장의 형식 구별하기]

※(1~20) 다음 문장의 형식을 고르시오.

1. She bought a brand-new car for me.

2. I made my son wash his hands.

3. He became famous poet.

4. There was a big tree in the park.

5. The weather is getting warmer day by day.

6. Pass me the salt, please.

7. This sandwich sells well.

8. I heard him singing a song.

9. They suddenly stopped talking.

10. The dish smells very nice(good).

11. She gave me her phone number.

12. She wants me to go to school.

13. You look so beautiful in the dress.

14. I helped her wash the dishes.

15. The movie made him a star.

16. You must keep your desk clean.

17. We kept(remained) silent.

18. Trees grow quickly after it rains.

19. She is smiling a happy smile.

20. I think (that) she is beautiful.

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