영문법 / / 2017. 9. 14. 14:32

[영문법_동사(46)]"It is(was) p.p that~" 수동태 만드는 방법


"It is(was)+p.p(과거분사) that+S+V"의 수동태

• They say that North Korea conducted nuclear tests.
= It is said that North Korea conducted nuclear tests (by them).
= North Korea is said to have conducted nuclear tests (by them).

• People believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
= It is thought that Jesus died on the cross for our sins (by people).
= Jesus is thought to have died on the cross for our sins (by people).

가주어 It와 명사절이 있는 문장의 수동태

만드는 순서 [say, think, consider, suppose, know, report, expect, understand 등의 동사가 이런 형태의 문장을 만듭니다.]

① 목적어(that he was ~)를 주어로 수동태로 바꿉니다.

That he was a real Batman was believed (by them).

② 긴 주어(That절) 대신에 가주어 It을 놓고 That~절은 뒤로 뺍니다.

It was believed that he was a real Batman (by them).

③ that절 속의 he를 주어로 to부정사를 활용하여 문장을 만들 수 있습니다.

He was believed to be a real Batman (by them).

주의! : that절 속의 시제가 주절보다 앞 설 경우는 완료부정사(to have+p.p)를 씁니다.

e.g.) People believe that he had been a real Batman.
→ He was believed to have been a real Batman (by them).

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