"결과 부사절을 이끄는 접속사"
부사절을 이끄는 접속사란 무엇인가요?
부사처럼 문장의 수식어 역할을 하는 절을 이끄는 접속사를 말합니다. 이러한 접속사에는 시간, 이유, 조건, 양보의 절을 이끄는 접속사로 흔히들 구분합니다. 다 아시는 것처럼 부사절은 종속절이므로 주절의 앞에 나오는 경우는 ,(콤마)로 구분해서 써야합니다.
결과 부사절 이끄는 접속사
so+형용사/부사+that+S+V : 대단히~해서 (그 결과)…하다.
• John was so busy that he couldn't keep his eyes open.「복문」
= John was too busy to keep his eyes open.「단문」
그는 너무 졸려서 눈을 뜨고 있을 수 없었다.
cf. 아래처럼 이유를 나타내는 부사절로 표현도 가능하다.(☆복문☆)
=Because he was sleepy, he couldn't keep his eyes open.
=As he was sleepy, he couldn't keep his eyes open.
=Since he was sleepy, he couldn't keep his eyes open.
=Now that he was sleepy, he couldn't keep his eyes open.
=Seeing that he was sleepy, he couldn't keep his eyes open.
=On the ground that he was sleepy, he couldn't keep his eyes open.
※ 아래처럼 전치사구를 이용하여 같은 의미로 표현이 가능하다(☆단문☆). 종종 출제가 된다.
=Because of his sleepiness, he couldn't keep his eyes open.
=Owing to his sleepiness, he couldn't keep his eyes open.
=On account of his sleepiness, he couldn't keep his eyes open.
=On the ground of his sleepiness, he couldn't keep his eyes open.
• I got up so early that he could catch the first train.「so+부사+that+S+V」
= I got up early enough to catch the first train.「단문」
= I got up so early as to catch the first train.「단문」
나는 첫 기차를 잡을 만큼 충분히 일찍 일어났다.
※ to부정사는 부사적용법으로 쓰였다.
cf. such+a(an)+형용사+명사+that+S+V : 대단히~해서 (그 결과)…하다
• It was such a fine day that we went on a picnic.
= It was so fine a day that we went on a picnic.
날씨가 너무 좋아서 우리는 소풍을 갔다.
• His sadness was such that he nearly exhausted.
그의 슬픔이 너무 커서 거의 탈진할 뻔했다.