be likely to do+something : "~할 가능성이 있다. ~할 것같다. ~하기 쉽다"
be inclined to do+something, be apt to do+something, be liable to do+something, tend to do+something, *be prone to+명사or 동명사- 이 중에서 be prone to 다음에만 명사 또는 동명사가 옵니다.
(형) ~할 것 같은, 그럴듯한
• I am likely to travel to Paris this summer.
나 올 여름에 파리로 여행할 것 같아.
• It seems(appears) very likely that he will be forced to resign.
그가 사임될 가능성이 매우 크다.
• He seems the most likely candidate for the President.
그는 대통령을 위한 그럴싸한 후보자이다.
be likely to do와 같은 표현
• John is likely to get good grades on the final exam.
John은 기말고사에서 좋은 성적을 올릴 것 같애.
= John is inclined to get good grades on the final exam.
= John is liable to get good grades on the final exam.
= John is apt to get good grades on the final exam.
= John tend to get good grades on the final exam.
= John is prone to getting good grades on the final exam.